Have a clear understanding of how your expenses, debt, and inome work together to effect what you will be able to afford. Know your credit score and if there are any discrepancies that should be taken care of before obtaining the pre-approval.
Having the pre-approval will let you know exatly where you stand in the home buying process. You will better know what house to spend yor time researching and save yourself from disappointment by looking outside of your budget.
A professional REALTOR® will be able to implement strategies for your buying or selling process that have your best interest at heart. A strong local REALTOR® will most likely know of listings before they are even placed on the market. With a thorough knowledge of your needs they will be able to cherry pick listings from MLS for you to review.
Your REALTOR® will make sure that the home inspection is done by certified professional. You are going to want to review this inspection completely to gaurantee there are no major problems with the property. Know exactly what you are purchasing and any negatiating topics that may arrise from the inspection.
The purchase price of the home is not always the only cost involved. Many times the home buyer will pay between 2% and 5% of the purchase price at closing. Your professional agent will be able to help you know what these cost are and prepare for them.